Sola dosis facit venenum
It was Paracelsus (1493-1541) who said:
"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison."
Toxicology is the science of chemical-induced adverse biological effects. It is the synthesis of chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematical statistics. It is the toxicologist who characterizes how a chemical can affect a person and to predict the probability of an effect based on the actual pattern of exposure.
Solutions in Science has experience in all aspects of toxicology. We have led studies into the mechanisms of toxic response and performed dose-response studies to quantify the aspects of the toxicological cause and effect. We pioneered dynamic exposure modeling approaches and applied probability modeling techniques from the molecular to the macro scale. We bring these capabilities to your service in product stewardship, regulatory compliance, and litigation support.
Toxicological Investigation
Scenario: A customer, an employee, a member of the public, or the State claims that the use of your product or process has caused them harm. At best, there is potential for damage to your brand. At worst, there is an inference of liability that could balloon into a lawsuit.
Solutions in Science’s toxicologists are experienced at investigating these types of cases. Depending upon the situation, this involves characterization of the response, chemical analyses for the causative agents, mathematical reconstruction of the situation, quantification of the amount and duration of exposure, and finally, an assessment of the probability that the conditions were right to produce the effects reported. From this, we can recommend changes to make the product or process safer or defend you from unwarranted claims.
Quantitative Exposure Analysis
An appropriate exposure analysis is vital in any toxicological investigation. Exposure is the real-life variable that most often makes or breaks a determination of “effect” or “no effect”.
Whether it’s a projected exposure, an ongoing exposure, or an exposure reconstruction, Solutions in Science tailors the exposure assessment to the needs of the conditions. We determine whether the situation requires a simple de minimis determination, or a defensible large-scale assessment. We then execute the assessment in a manner that is not only accurate, but also easy to understand and explain.
Risk Assessment & Communications
Risk assessment is the quantitative determination of a hazard or a situation. It is an expression of the probability of an adverse effect occurring based on the likelihood of exposure and the dose-response relationship for the causative agent (or toxicant).
Knowing the answer is only half the solution. One must also communicate it in a manner that is straightforward, intuitive, and easy for a skeptical audience to accept. Solutions in Science excels not only at risk assessment, but also risk communications for a lay audience. No approach is perfect, but by walking the audience through the process and using conceptual models that are easy to grasp, we increase the chances for a positive outcome.